Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Every time walk out frm my house,
many thg will hapen tat i can see..
sum is hapi, sad n funny..

i dunno wat hapen to my fren nico,
juz a drink can start fighting wit his gf =.=...
weird man....
but at last thy behave again...
cuz i keep advice thm...
juz a drink... funny

mardy ar....
no nid to say see his face u will knw th answer,
he realy care bout grace... tat so sweat,
I juz sit n listen wat he feel bout her...
alcohol... ermm myb grace should stay away frm tat thg,
cuz it not fair to him... grace ask mardy dun drunk n smoke like me~.~
but why she did tat.... nvm i hope she will listen to her laogong..

why I msg ray din reply bak...
hmm myb he bz,
wan bring him ply game very bored at hum....
lucky 2day I bring nico out....
direct pokai....it ok nt owes....

he still exam tat nick cnt keep his phone away frm him...
haha.... msg wit new gf... gud lo aslong he hapi,
dun wory bout SPM sap sap water d la....

hmm... it been awhile.. myb  long tim edi..
I miss her so much...
myb grow taller le ^^....
more pretty n cute...
hope the guy she love will care her owes...~.~
dun wan ppl hurt her...
I cross my heart, if the guy hurt her i will find him till dead....
love is nt a game...

S_E     N_VE_R      _URT      _E      ^^

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