Friday, September 11, 2009

†Nothing else i can say†

I thk 8dot is speacial to me... it juz a lie,
the day tat she say to me... she tel me tat 8dot is very special
it juz 4me n 8dot was for us....

But now she change wat she say to me...

Nothing special but make me more hurt...

I hope she rili know wat she saying to me...

She lie...

She lie...

She lie...

I stil remember wat she say...

GoD 4give wat she have done to me...

Nothing else i can say...

I hope she realize...

I hope she rili go to chuch to praise GoD...

I never lie to her, i tell her everything wat bad of me and the gud of me...

I rili stupid, i tell my frnd bout tat 8dot... i tell thm she say is speacial 4me... even her bestfrnd oso knw but wat can i do....

nothing else i can say... nothing speacial 4me... juz a lie it juz lie

1 comment:

  1. zz..
    its reli 4 u n mi de ma..
    i no sy 8dot b4 to othr ppl pun..
    den i thk special lo..
    my frenz oso dun knw wat mean is 8doy..
    8dot reli s juz 4 u lo..
    nvm la..
    me lie lo..
