Tuesday, October 6, 2009

†All I wanted†

i dun tell... gv they read my blog onli....
I will not touch u....
cuz we not meet le...
take care where ever u ar...
love the person who does really love u in future...
change your heart and u will know u mature or not...
think outside of the box not inside....
and it will change u everthing...
because outside there was very dengerous...
once u do same thing to them...
they will call u bitch = low price girl...
juz wan to tell, outside is very bad....
and some will dare do sumthing crazy outside there... same like I'm doin..
your felling and heart will make u more mature...
I know because I had been tru this b4 with a girl I really love...
I change all juz to be with her...

I love u so much..

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