Friday, August 28, 2009

†hapi to her†

^^she pass her law...very hapi du... i promise buy her cola light... ltr i buy 4 her... she cn gai2 use car le...^^

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

†I rili love u so much†

another turning point my heart stuck in the road,
time grab u by the rise direct to where to go,
so make the best stop n dun turn n ask me y,
it not a question but a lesson lern in time,
it sumthg not predictebel but in the end is right,
i hope u had the time of ur life...

so take the photograph n stil frame in ur mind..
hanging on the selfin gud health n gud time..
tattoo n memory in tat skin on trial..
the word is wort it was wort the awhile..
it sumthg not predictebel but in the end is right...
i hope u had the time of ur life...

"I'm Nothing Without U"

Give me all the sadness, I will give u all about the hapiness
I will take the bad from u, U can keep all the gud from me
Let me cry alone, but i wanna c u owes hapi
every minit n monent the time ticking, i goin weak
this broken heart will never repair without u...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

†plss tell me that u love me†

i rili wn to knw that u luv me or not...
time is pressure..
if keep like this..
i will never knw that u luv me or not..

plss tell me...

moody mood...
it make me fell weak....
and make me keep thk..
hapi outside sad inside...
once it gone it will never come back...


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

†I still love u†

In my mind still got u,
in my heart i still love u,
in my eye i telling the tru tat i weak without u..
eye to eye i looking at u,
i try to take u,
bt i been push away by u,
i'm sry wat i have done to u,
i rili care bout u,
maybe 1day u will find the tru
about u...
onli u
††† †††
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†2day I sick leh†

^^myb i slp late laz nite.... bt it getting worst leh.. my head lik shaking.. sumtim my eye c blur2.. bt it ok i stil cn survive... aslong i survive i will still love her..

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

†100 Truths bout me†

1. Last beverage→ chinese teh

2. Last phone call→ my mum

3. Last text message→ ye3y3e

4. Last song you listened to→ RElient k- jesus i pray

5. Last time you cried→ last week thrusday


6. Dated someone twice → Yea

7. Been cheated on?→ I not sure

8. Kissed someone?→ Yeah

9. Lost someone special? - yes!! i rili lost her

11. Been drunk and threw up? → not i knw hw to control..


12. blue

13. red

14. black



16. Made new friends → Yeah

17. Fallen out of love → yeah

18. Laughed until you cried → yeah

19. Met someone who changed you→ Yeah.... i have meet her

20. Found out who your true friends were → Yeah

21. Found out someone was talking about you → Yeah.. who doesnt?

22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list → Yeah

23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life → not even half, mostly family lol!

25. Do you have any pets → i dun have leh

26. Do you want to change your name→ i luv my name

27. What did you do for your last birthday → had a few special ppl round it were me 18th

28. What time did you wake up today → nt accurate

29. What were you doing at midnight last night → studying, bt most chat, ply game n msg

30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → fuk nos

31. Last time you saw your father→ last 2day in skype

32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → a thousand thg !!

33. What are you listening to right now → song

34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → nope

35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → being on my own ill

36. Most visited webpage → Facebook!!!

37. What's your name→ conal rom

38. Nicknames→ Nol

39. Relationship Status → broken heart

40. Zodiac sign→ gemini

41. Male or female or transgendered→ 100% male

42. Primary→ yue min

43. Middle School →

44. High school → ATI collage

45. Hair color → light brown

46. Long/medium/short → medium

47. Height → 176cm

48. Do you have a crush on someone? → yeah

49: What do you like about yourself? i dunno.. i hate me

50. Piercings → ear jz 1 at right

51. Tattoos → i dream to do

52. Righty or lefty → lefty


53. First surgery → none..

54. First piercing → ear piercing..

55. First best friends → mardy

56. First sport you joined → basketball

57. First pet→ dun bt my mum luv fish dn me owes tak k her fish

58. First vacation→ KL bored.... i prefer HK

59. First concert → none

60. First crush → hmm..secret duhhRIGHT NOW:

61. Eating → no mud owes

62. Drinking → chinese teh

63. Already missing→ sum1 tat i......

64. I'm about to → answer the next question

65. Listening to → To song..

66. Thinking about → sum1 tat i luv..

67. Waiting for → getting better in my life !


68. Want kids? → Of course..

69. Want to get married? → yes... i wn married yeeyee

70. Careers in mind → nt yt dicide


71. Lips or eyes → Eyes

72. Hugs or kisses → Both

73. Shorter or taller → shorter

74. Older or Younger → younger

75. Romantic or spontaneous → hmm.... both

76. Nice stomach or nice arms → i dun k aslong i luv her

77. Sensitive or loud → both

78. Hook-up or relationship → relationship

79. Trouble maker or hesitant → bot of both neva hurt no1


81. Drank hard liquor → Yes

82. Lost glasses/contacts → No

83. Had sex on 1st date – secret

84. Broken someone's heart → i nt sure.. myb i broke her heart le.. cz she say me lie her

85. Had your own heart broken → Yes....!!!!!!! countless

86. Been arrested → No

87. Turned someone down → Yes

88. Cried when someone died → Yes

89. Liked a friend that of the same sex? → No


90. Yourself → Most of the time

91. Miracles → hope not 4 me

92. Love at first sight → Yes...

93. Heaven -> heaven and hell are what we live in now.. we ar the one can make our decision b4 going heaven or hell..

94. Santa Clause → yes.. when i was kid.. now nope

95. Kiss on the first date? → Yes if it goes well.

96. Angels → Yes


97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yes... i rili wan her...

98. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? → No... i juz wan her

99. Wish you could change things in your past? → Yes.. i wish toO

100. Are you posting this as 100 Truths? → yup... i rili mean it.. cz i luv her so much


do u thk i should try n try harder again chase her... or u thk me so stupid... single lik stupid le... lik has been throw away beside the road... bt i hope i cn try.... nt cry n hurt anymore le..." i luv u so much"

†My Exam†

2dy me exam leh... i cook fried wet kueyteow... bt haix.. i keep thk her leh... dn my hand hit the hot oil... jz a sparkel nt many my hand gt many red spot cz of the oil... whn i cook i thk her.. i wish she cn try wat i cook.. i wish she knw hw i luv her.. i wish she wil gv me chance.. bt 2dy me fnsh exam le... i jz hapi cz nt goin clas le.... bt i wil bored.. i dun hv ppl wn msg le.. haha mz b bored edi... my frnd all bz leh... mardy bz work... nick go skull.. nico owes pakto his gf cum his hum leh... n raymond bz work n hlp mum.... reysang leh he dota onli d n hlp mum lo.. dn me go walk alone listen my song c my all my fon d pic frm the 1st tim she gv til the laz tim she gv me.... n i will go to hill slp at ther at te evening..w8 my frnd leh.. i wish i cn brg her to the hill.. cz tat place very nice ppl owes pakto at thr.. jz a wish tat wil nt cum tru..." i luv u"

Sunday, August 16, 2009

†Story of my life†

1st i was a fat boy tat ppl will bully owes... bt whn i turn 16 in the christmas day i had found her... the 1tim meet her i keep chase her bt she dun hv fel to me her name is Ye3y3e.. bt she owes say the guy name gary.. she say she lik him long tim le.. bt i try harder n try.. i try to change everythg my life.. i diet go jog every evening jz to make her fal in luv wit me... bt 1day she tel me tat she had cpl wit he edi... tat tim i was so sad rili sad... bt had loss my weight cz of her.. i din eat for a few day sum a week i jz drnk water... my weight b4 95kg nw 63kg.... all my frnd was shock.. cz y did i change so faz... n my style all change le... use M size shirt.. tight jean... n shoes vans... bt i still try to chase her cz i rili luv her.. bt she rili luv him dn i let her go... bt i tel her... i wil luv u 4 ever.. bt tat tim my life has change... me nt easy to bully edi... n i was famous in skull.. n i gt many admire in skull... bt i rili cnt accept thm cz i rili luv her so much... bt 1dy i found a girl tat make me luv her.. she owes jeles if go talk wit yeeyee cz tat tim me n yeeyee was a frnd edi... bt in my heart i still luv her... bt wat cn i do she stil luv him.. her name was vivian bt nt rili luving me.. we cpl at christmas tim 25/12/2008... bt we nt last longger... n tat tim yeeyee was very sad cz she luv the guy leave her jz lik tat witout say break or wat... n tim gt sumthg hapen thr is a fight between my best frnd nick n tis chinese guy... he keep disturb vivian... bt i keep patient.. bt 1day i go talk to he i say vivian is my gf so plss dun disturb her... bt he lie to me he say all girl in chuch was lik his sister... dn me jz say ok.. aslong u dun disturd her agiain... bt i cpl wit vivian 1month onli cz she rili make me lik stupid dn break her... bt b4 tat yeeyee gt say to me she ask me do u wn to accept the girl tat had hurt u laz tim.. i say dunno... dn she say wn hug me n kiz me.... i was rili hapi tat time... bt is say to yeeyee... u rili look lik despret i dun wn accept u lik tat.. bt i rili luv her so much.. rili luv her.. i wish i can hug n kiz her.. bt she let me knw tis person her name grace bt i call her 'mum'.... cz she rili care bout me.. whn everythg was cold down... dn i try to chase her bak... bt she din accept me le... cz she dun wn hurt 2nd tim... tat tim i was thking hw stupid is me... y did i accept her tat tim... haix...whn i fnsh spm... i tell yeeyee i say i wn to le... i din tel her tat i was goin Hong Kong... bt all my best frnd n mum knw edi... i tel thm dun tel her bout tis... bt whn she knw tat she say u go lik tat din tell me d.. i say to her i luv u so much bt she jz keep it ok i stay at HK for 1month... tat tim she rili miz me le.. whn i bak i oso din tel her i bak.. she angry me y din tel her... bt i say i luv u.. bt she still din say anythg... bt 1day she ask mum to msg me... she ask mum ask me i wil wait her till she fnsh exam dn cpl wit her ma.. bt i say to mum.. i wn her to ask i was very hapi... dn she ask me edi.. dn i say i will wait u aslong u rili luv me.. she rili show tat her luv to me... 1day i ask her.. i wn to kiz her.. bt she say no wait til cpl 1st dn i say 1day i go christ chuch i listen the song... the guy say "i make tis song cz he was very disapoint wit his gf... cz he been w8 her so long bt she gt bf edi" dn i hear tat dn i was hurt... cz i knw the felling... dn she try to make me hapi... dn she gv me kiss her.. bt hw stupid is me... i say no cz u jz wn make me hapi onli... dn she say to me i nvr thk tat ok haix... dn i keep w8 her everydy we msg no mizz anythg... morning, afternoon, b4 go skull muz msg... she owes send her pic to me...we go shopping mall 2gth wit mum n my best frnd mardy thy luv each oth.. tat day we 2gth go c mv.. i was hapi n jeles.. i hapi cz cn go ou wit herbt jeles cz i cnt touch her... bt 1day she change her mind... she say she scare to luv me cz i will hurt her... bt tat jz 4 awhile... dn after tat she change her mind again... she say she scare to luv me cz ltr she will puppy luv wit me... bt she change her mind bak... bt suden she change bak she say she scare cpl... dn she try to leave me... bt suden she change her mind again.. bt i tel her tat tim... i hope u will nt change again.. i rili hurt n rrili pain.. dn she say sry dn she gv me hug n kiz her edi... i thk i wil cpl wit her le bt i was wrg... tis tim was real... i was at KL in the morning i hum i msg her bt she din rply me.. i was very wory so i brg my sweater to her i thk will hapi whn saw me bt i rili wrg.. she bad mud.. n nex few day she ask me nt to chase her again.. tat tim my life change worst i smoke n drunk alcohol... i rili luv her so much... i rili crazy edi... i hope i will get u bak..... I rili sory wat i done n say anythg tat make u hurt anythg tat i lie.... bt plss cum bak to me.. i wil die slowly lik tis...~~ "tis is my story, real story tat hapen to me"
I rili luv u HUN.... u ar my doctor whn i sick.. u ar my life... witout u my life was rule.....

Saturday, August 15, 2009

†everyday is worst day†

everyday i keep thk her... i dunno wat hapen... yesterday i was so stress n to many pressure in me... she rili change le.. "y u change, bt y" i rili sad, rili rili sad.. bt she u look so hapi owes... "she care wat she wan, bt i care wat i care"... if she wn wat she will get wat, she wn me dn she wil get, she wn hug n kiz she wil get, she dun wn me she oso wil get... bt did she care bout me... bout my felling... did she rili care bout my felling.... she easyli throw me apart lik a rubbish... lik a thg tat cn use 1 or 2 week... do she knw hw much i care her... did she knw hw much tat i rili luv her... did i hurt her... did i say anythg bad to her... she jz make tiz thg so easy... "u is lik life, witout u i rili cnt survive"
cn u tel me y u did to me?
tel me if u luv sum1 edi?
tel me if u rili hate me?
tel me everythg tat u keep in ur mind n heart?

†Me n U†

if u fel better b frnd, i thk i should go... go far n far jz to make u fell more better dn after..
i hope whn i'm not meet u le... i hope u take care of urself... i hope u hapi n find a better guy tat make you fell more better dn me... all tat cn make u better ever after... i jz wn toO tell u tat
†I LOVE U SO MUCH† i do anythg tat cn make u more better dn better.... ~~

†my unfinish new song†

we create this love, the 1st tim we meet
from eye falling to heart..
the 1st time i meet u, i keep chasing u..
but i try harder i try..
but why, but why do you break my heart,
and i cry, i cry in my heart,
cause tonight you say goodbye..
do you remember the past, all the happiness we made,
did u remember the drea,, we dream togther whole day,
did u keep the story that i make,
the story that bout us
but why, but why do you break my heart,
and i cry, i cry in my heart,
cause tonight you say goodbye..

I so weak...

†why ppl ask me start smoke n i drunk many alcohol.... i jz say ntg... i jz stress.... my brain brushing out.. damn i rili stupid crazy... i rili luv her.. my frnd owes say me stupid 2many tim edi... i still dun care wat thy say.. even a thousand tim thy say i stil luv her... y so patient in tis thg... i gv everythg tat i got.. till my life i dun care bout it... it been 2year now... 2 tim broken.. 2tim hurt.. 2tim pain....2 tim cry... bt y... GoD if u fill pity on me... plss do wat ever u lik to me... so i dun fill any broken,hurt,pian n nvr cry again... †