Tuesday, August 18, 2009

†My Exam†

2dy me exam leh... i cook fried wet kueyteow... bt haix.. i keep thk her leh... dn my hand hit the hot oil... jz a sparkel nt many d..bt my hand gt many red spot cz of the oil... whn i cook i thk her.. i wish she cn try wat i cook.. i wish she knw hw i luv her.. i wish she wil gv me chance.. bt 2dy me fnsh exam le... i jz hapi cz nt goin clas le.... bt i wil bored.. i dun hv ppl wn msg le.. haha mz b bored edi... my frnd all bz leh... mardy bz work... nick go skull.. nico owes pakto his gf cum his hum leh... n raymond bz work n hlp mum.... reysang leh he dota onli d n hlp mum lo.. dn me go walk alone listen my song c my all my fon d pic frm the 1st tim she gv til the laz tim she gv me.... n i will go to hill slp at ther at te evening..w8 my frnd leh.. i wish i cn brg her to the hill.. cz tat place very nice ppl owes pakto at thr.. jz a wish tat wil nt cum tru..." i luv u"

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