Tuesday, August 18, 2009

†100 Truths bout me†

1. Last beverage→ chinese teh

2. Last phone call→ my mum

3. Last text message→ ye3y3e

4. Last song you listened to→ RElient k- jesus i pray

5. Last time you cried→ last week thrusday


6. Dated someone twice → Yea

7. Been cheated on?→ I not sure

8. Kissed someone?→ Yeah

9. Lost someone special? - yes!! i rili lost her

11. Been drunk and threw up? → not i knw hw to control..


12. blue

13. red

14. black



16. Made new friends → Yeah

17. Fallen out of love → yeah

18. Laughed until you cried → yeah

19. Met someone who changed you→ Yeah.... i have meet her

20. Found out who your true friends were → Yeah

21. Found out someone was talking about you → Yeah.. who doesnt?

22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list → Yeah

23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life → not even half, mostly family lol!

25. Do you have any pets → i dun have leh

26. Do you want to change your name→ i luv my name

27. What did you do for your last birthday → had a few special ppl round it were me 18th

28. What time did you wake up today → nt accurate

29. What were you doing at midnight last night → studying, bt most chat, ply game n msg

30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → fuk nos

31. Last time you saw your father→ last 2day in skype

32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → a thousand thg !!

33. What are you listening to right now → song

34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → nope

35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → being on my own ill

36. Most visited webpage → Facebook!!!

37. What's your name→ conal rom

38. Nicknames→ Nol

39. Relationship Status → broken heart

40. Zodiac sign→ gemini

41. Male or female or transgendered→ 100% male

42. Primary→ yue min

43. Middle School → sm.st.micheal

44. High school → ATI collage

45. Hair color → light brown

46. Long/medium/short → medium

47. Height → 176cm

48. Do you have a crush on someone? → yeah

49: What do you like about yourself? i dunno.. i hate me

50. Piercings → ear jz 1 at right

51. Tattoos → i dream to do

52. Righty or lefty → lefty


53. First surgery → none..

54. First piercing → ear piercing..

55. First best friends → mardy

56. First sport you joined → basketball

57. First pet→ dun bt my mum luv fish dn me owes tak k her fish

58. First vacation→ KL bored.... i prefer HK

59. First concert → none

60. First crush → hmm..secret duhhRIGHT NOW:

61. Eating → no mud owes

62. Drinking → chinese teh

63. Already missing→ sum1 tat i......

64. I'm about to → answer the next question

65. Listening to → To song..

66. Thinking about → sum1 tat i luv..

67. Waiting for → getting better in my life !


68. Want kids? → Of course..

69. Want to get married? → yes... i wn married yeeyee

70. Careers in mind → nt yt dicide


71. Lips or eyes → Eyes

72. Hugs or kisses → Both

73. Shorter or taller → shorter

74. Older or Younger → younger

75. Romantic or spontaneous → hmm.... both

76. Nice stomach or nice arms → i dun k aslong i luv her

77. Sensitive or loud → both

78. Hook-up or relationship → relationship

79. Trouble maker or hesitant → bot of both neva hurt no1


81. Drank hard liquor → Yes

82. Lost glasses/contacts → No

83. Had sex on 1st date – secret

84. Broken someone's heart → i nt sure.. myb i broke her heart le.. cz she say me lie her

85. Had your own heart broken → Yes....!!!!!!! countless

86. Been arrested → No

87. Turned someone down → Yes

88. Cried when someone died → Yes

89. Liked a friend that of the same sex? → No


90. Yourself → Most of the time

91. Miracles → hope not 4 me

92. Love at first sight → Yes...

93. Heaven -> heaven and hell are what we live in now.. we ar the one can make our decision b4 going heaven or hell..

94. Santa Clause → yes.. when i was kid.. now nope

95. Kiss on the first date? → Yes if it goes well.

96. Angels → Yes


97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yes... i rili wan her...

98. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? → No... i juz wan her

99. Wish you could change things in your past? → Yes.. i wish toO

100. Are you posting this as 100 Truths? → yup... i rili mean it.. cz i luv her so much

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