Wednesday, August 26, 2009

†I rili love u so much†

another turning point my heart stuck in the road,
time grab u by the rise direct to where to go,
so make the best stop n dun turn n ask me y,
it not a question but a lesson lern in time,
it sumthg not predictebel but in the end is right,
i hope u had the time of ur life...

so take the photograph n stil frame in ur mind..
hanging on the selfin gud health n gud time..
tattoo n memory in tat skin on trial..
the word is wort it was wort the awhile..
it sumthg not predictebel but in the end is right...
i hope u had the time of ur life...

"I'm Nothing Without U"

Give me all the sadness, I will give u all about the hapiness
I will take the bad from u, U can keep all the gud from me
Let me cry alone, but i wanna c u owes hapi
every minit n monent the time ticking, i goin weak
this broken heart will never repair without u...

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